Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Card!

Yesterday, when the mail came, there was what was obviously a Christmas card - red envelope and all.

This one was different. The address took up the whole envelope, which was about 5" x 7". It was printed in pencil, and on three lines - literally. Three lines drawn - probably using  a ruler - across the envelope itself.

The stamp covered part of the adressee information. It was addressed to "Grandma Donna & [this part covered] Grandpa Marc." My heart skipped a beat.

The back had the return address of Mikey's school - 

Over the message on the inside were two more lines: "To Grandma Donna & Grandpa Marc." And under the message, two more ruler-drawn lines:



I cried.

1 comment:

Evie Dolores said...

I cried when she showed it to me.