Monday, July 12, 2010

Fears and Age Appropriate Behavior

The boys spent the night with us this weekend. Because of elopement and other issues, we split the boys up. David generally sleeps on an air mattress in a room with Grandpa, and Mikey and I share a room with twin beds.

This post focuses on David. David is very high functioning. He is home-schooled. Most of the time, he can be reasoned with. However, he has fears that are exceptional. To spend the night at our house, he requires 2 nightlights and we had to leave the bathroom light on, with the door partially closed.

At David's house, there was a TV with some kind of short or something; it would seemingly come on of its own accord. Mom referred to it as a "TV Ghost." David does not have a TV in his room; he got semi-hysterical until Grandpa unplugged the TV.

He also - at nearly 14 - still sleeps with stuffed animals (as does Mikey).

He normally reads a bit in bed (as do I!) before finally settling down for the night. I asked him if he'd brought any books; he said, "No," so I suggested he find some from our set of books downstairs (which includes many books for kids). His reading list was interesting:
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom storybook
  • Popeye Storybook based on the movie
  • No, David
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Another thing that is autism-related is a lack of empathy - based on a lack of interest - for "other people." I found a great book with pictures, geared for high schoolers, that deals with individual, discrete relationship possibilities. I shared one with David over the weekend; it spoke to noticing other people's eye contact (or lack thereof), facial expression (welcoming look? or not) to help him determine if they would welcome his joining them.

I also asked him last week - and he forgot - to notice and compliment one thing about someone - for example, Mom or Nana. We'll see how that goes - I'll send him some email reminders. Stay tuned ....

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