This post focuses on David. David is very high functioning. He is home-schooled. Most of the time, he can be reasoned with. However, he has fears that are exceptional. To spend the night at our house, he requires 2 nightlights and we had to leave the bathroom light on, with the door partially closed.
At David's house, there was a TV with some kind of short or something; it would seemingly come on of its own accord. Mom referred to it as a "TV Ghost." David does not have a TV in his room; he got semi-hysterical until Grandpa unplugged the TV.
He also - at nearly 14 - still sleeps with stuffed animals (as does Mikey).
He normally reads a bit in bed (as do I!) before finally settling down for the night. I asked him if he'd brought any books; he said, "No," so I suggested he find some from our set of books downstairs (which includes many books for kids). His reading list was interesting:
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom storybook
- Popeye Storybook based on the movie
- No, David
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
I also asked him last week - and he forgot - to notice and compliment one thing about someone - for example, Mom or Nana. We'll see how that goes - I'll send him some email reminders. Stay tuned ....
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